Seqri’s platform detects and identifies whether or not your sites, applications and infrastructure are vulnerable. When Seqri finds vulnerabilities we fix them speedily and efficiently.
All the hard work will be done for you. We have a team of trained professionals who know what they’re doing and who have all the needed skills to look at each website individually.
You just sit back and relax. Seqri analyzes every aspect of your network to verify if there aren’t any gaps in your security such as kown/patched/unpatched vulnerabilities, insecure user accounts, weak encryption keys and more.
Seqri includes a powerful patching engine that protects you against flaws in your code as well as flaws in plug-ins and components written by third party providers.
Our real patch management system works with popular CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, DLE, PrestaShop and others.
Thousands of vulnerable plug-ins and components are monitored to make sure that any potential websites using them remain secure from affected vulnerabilities.
Thousands of potential known SQLi or XSS attacks or information leaks are blocked automatically by Seqri’s intelligent website firewall tool.
Imagine how much time and money you would waste by not having Seqri Managed Web Security Service.
And I am not even mentioning that unprotected website could ruin your entire business.
We are Loved ♥️ by our Trusted Clients
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Firat Hicks
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