Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you want to know about our Professional Managed Website Security Service. Scroll down the page and click on the questions to get the answer.

Seqri managed web security service

What is SEQRI

It’s important to remember that your website is vulnerable to hackers. And that can be very costly. Seqri is a Done For You Professional Website Security Service.

We monitor clean and protect you website 24 hours a day. Our experts take care of everything so that you can focus on more important tasks at hand! Seqri is most affordable and convenient managed website security service, a must have for anyone who owns a website. Click the button below to get the ball rolling!

Frequently Asked Questions answered

Important question answered about web security.

What is Managed Web Security Service?

In a nutshell, we monitor, and protect your website from hackers 24 hours a day. In other words we keep your website safe without you lifting a finger.

Why do you need website protection?

Cybersecurity is a hot topic these days and for good reason. With the development of sophisticated cyber-attacks, website security is highly important for you the website owner to regularly protect your digital assets from malicious attacks before any serious harm can indeed be inflicted on your business and your customers.

And the damage can be devastating. Having an unprotected website is like playing Russian roulette with your business.

What is Malware?

Malware is also called malicious software and it is designed to damage or destroy computers,  computer systems, and cyber networks.

Malware can be found embedded in any type of executable file. A malicious software program can be a virus, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware, adware or ransomware.

What is Website Firewall (WAF)?

A web application firewall or WAF, is a type of firewall that protects websites from online threats such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Defacement, Brute-force attacks and SQL injection via a variety of methods including examining the full motion bits of HTTP traffic in real-time.

In this way it functions much like a packet filter that can literally ‘firewall’ your website in real time without any downtime. WAFs are critical to any tight security protocol and help to make sure that the data associated with your business remains secure.

What is Vulnerability and Patch Management?

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying and patching problems in your websites network. The steps are broken down into repeating phases – discovery, reporting, prioritization and responses.

Patch management is the process of updating all software within your website with the most current updates released by manufacturers. This includes enterprise-level products like servers and databases as well as more basic tools, such as plugins.

What is Website Blacklisting?

In a nutshell, website blacklisting is a process which prevents websites from appearing on popular search engines.

Technically speaking, this happens when the website’s domain or IP address has been blacklisted by Google or other search engines due to spam or malware issues.

By being blocked by search engines as a result of being blacklisted by them, traffic is substantially reduced.

Why Seqri?

We are client-centric and insanely trustworthy. We go to great lengths to make sure that your website is protected at all times.

We use state of the art latest technology web security platform.

In addition to automation your website is monitored by a human. This is what sets us apart from most of other web security companies.

Not to mention Seqri is the most affordable and convenient managed website security service on the market, a must have for anyone who owns a website.

How it works?

We scan, clean, and protect your websites 24 hours a day, you do nothing.

1. Upload a File

We provide you with a small file to upload to the root directory of your website. Or we can do it for you free of charge.

2. Total management

We monitor, clean, and protect your websites 24 hours a day, so you can concentrate on other important things in your business.

3. PDF report

We provide you with PDF monthly reports. Thеѕе reports соntаіn dеtаіlеd іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut recent еvеntѕ іnvоlvіng уоur ѕіtеѕ.


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